December 22, 2019 

Feeding the Homeless in San Jose, CA

Despite the heavy rain and cold weather, the community came together to serve and feed the homeless. Thank you to the many donors, Nhat Tam Charity for organizing, and cooks, and the many many volunteers that came out on a wet and early morning! #grateful

December 21, 2019 

Visiting the Nursing Home

Life is an endless circle. We start out life with not knowing how to take care of ourselves, and then most people grows up to be capable and independent, and if we are lucky, then we get to live a long enough life where we will need assistant again. 

Unfortunately, so many elders get abandoned or forgotten, and this has a huge impact on the elders emotionally and psychologically. 

SSK's members came to play bingo, listen to their life stories, play affirmation games, and did Christmas caroling.

December 14, 2019 

Release the Beast session: Understanding your personality types to strengthen yourself.

Our personalities play such an important role in determining our behaviors and habits, so it is little wonder that personality type has a connection to your health. Everything from how often you visit the doctor to how you deal with stress is connected to your personality.

Individuals that attended this workshop were able to re-discover themselves. To learn the tools for their personalities so that they can be the best version of themselves and learn how to interact effectively with others.

November 30, 2019 

Release the Beast session: "Overcoming the trauma of abuse"

"Release the Beast" is the name of SSK mental health sessions. All SSK mental health sessions are for:

- Those who need a safe space for sharing/releasing.

- Those who want to heal by empowering others through their stories.

- Those who want to learn more about the topic for self knowledge.

- Those who want to learn and train to be part of a lived-experience peer support group, first responder, or crisis prevention.

November 21-22, 2019

Mental Health Empowerment Conference in Fresno, CA

The purpose of the annual Asian & Pacific Islander Mental Health Empowerment Conference (APIMHEC) is to increase awareness of mental health concerns and to promote improvement of mental health services for Asian & Pacific Islander (API) communities. 

Together, we hope to build a knowledge base of programming and strategies to improve the quality of mental health care and reduce mental health disparities for API communities.

November 16, 2019

Release the Beast session: "Living with Depression"

Release the Beast "Living with Depression" session is for:

- Those who are currently experiencing depression.

- Those who has experienced depression and still fluctuates in and out of it.

- Those who want to learn more about the topic for self knowledge.

- Those who want to learn and train to be part of a support group, first responder, or preparation for when crises/disaster hit.

October 26, 2019 - San Jose, California

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

Strong Smart and Kind Foundation (SSK) Showed up and WALKED out to support the American Cancer Society.

March 10-20, 2019 - Vietnam

Charity Mission Trip

Our president, Teresa, visiting the mentally and physically disabled children shelter, Mother Teresa Convent, a women-only nursing home, and an orphanage in Vietnam in March 2019. 

Please contact us for volunteering and donations info:

Donate: Venmo @SSKFoundation

Email: StrongSmartAndKind@gmail.com

Facebook: @strongsmartandkind

Instagram: @strongsmartandkind